
                                         FOREST                                                                                                                                                                                             FOREST GIVES  REFRESHMENT TO AS. IT IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN  THAT  WE THINK.................
                                                  RAIN                                I ALWAYS LIKE WALKING                                       IN THE RAIN                                SO NO ONE CAN SEE ME CRYING
                                     CHILDHOOD MEMORIES                                                 CHILDHOOD MEANS SIMPLICITY . LOOK                            AT THE WORD WITH THE CHILD'S EYE                           IT IS VERY BEAUTIFUL.
                                                           FRIENDSHIP                                                                                                            Friendship is the relationship                                                        between eyes                                                            and hands when                                                                  eyes cry. hands                                                                       wipe out the   tears                                                                         
TRAVELING                               I had such a good experience in my life. One day my parents told me that to go for a trip to kuruva deep is a wonderful place there are lakes,ponds which thrills the travelers mind.             we traveled by bus. And the journey goes thrilling. The experience we had was really positive. the peoples are really helpful.They also narrated the historical and social importance of that place. The lakes and ponds described the beauty of that place.There is huge forest with lot of animals.And water will flow like a wave.                    I was really enjoyed the trip being the company of dear ones.The trip was really interesting.